Adin Ross and fake Kim Jong Un stream Click Bait (just chatting)
As I said before in last post about this topic, wondering if this was extreme or for shock value. And basically overall, it was click bait.
Adin Ross invited as the kids will call him “Top G” Andrew Tate and Professional Kim Jong Un impersonator Howard X to the kick livestream, and over 300,000 viewers were clicked baited to see the real Kim Jong Un. Are you disappointed? Don’t be, it was never gonna happen. Sorry not sorry to his fans.
The internet was baffled and mad at his fans for being so gullible to believe that he could bring such a powerful leader on his stream. And honestly, Adin Ross bringing motion to his stream, now that’s power. So, where do go from here with the Adin Ross Shenanigans? I’m not sure but this won’t be the last of him, I’m sure of it.
Adin had mentioned before that he was warned by US officials and would face consequences. It makes you wonder how far Streamers would go for their viewers and for personal gain.
Until next time.
Thanks for reading!